Tuesday, July 30, 2013

excuse me while i fall for you

i was cleaning up today, listening to an old ipod that i had laying around and stumbled across a song that put the biggest smile on my face and here's why:
when mitch returned home from his mission, i was so nervous, i was nervous that at any moment i was going to screw things up and he'd realize what a loser i was and that he deserved a million times better. luckily for me that never happened! but mitch, being mitch - he taught me something without him even knowing it. 
i'm known to second guess, contemplate, and hesitate when it comes to making any sort of a decision. mitch came home, and i wanted everything to be laid out, planned, and to all make sense. something i didn't realize at the time was that love doesn't make sense, it happens without a guideline, and thats that. obviously i knew i loved mitch, but he had been away for two years and while it did nothing but strengthen us, my heart hurt for a solid 744 days and well like i said, i didn't want to screw it up, i didn't want to face that pain again. so in my head, i was constantly planning out things to say, or do and lets just say that it got old reeeeeeal fast. mitch had been home a good 4-5 days when he finally called me out on it. he told me to relax, to let things happen, and to let him in. to let him have my heart, my whole heart again and not hesitate while doing it. 
its funny, at the time i was almost annoyed that he knew me so well, like who does this guy think he is but i also knew that he was right. 
it wasn't until a few days later that i eventually did let go, and let things fall into place. we were on a date, i don't remember the specifics of who we were with, or what we were doing but there is one thing that i do remember and its this: we were running to avoid getting soaked by the rain and we jumped in the car shivering, and cold - we laughed, and then we looked at each other, in silence for what felt like a lifetime, my eyes began to water as i had a slideshow of every moment that we had been through running through my mind and it wasn't until a few moments later that without a sound, without a single movement.... i did it, i gave him my heart. he knew it too, he smiled the biggest goofy smile that i had ever seen and we knew, we knew that we had fallen in love all over again.

this song took me to that moment, when i stopped second guessing, i stopped contemplating, and i didn't hesitate.

Sunday, July 7, 2013


i'm an open book - so when my sweet friend kelso tagged me in this fun Q&A tag that's going around .... & well, you know i can't pass down a challenge.  so here goes nothin!

//What is your favorite part of marriage?
you mean apart from the constant laughing, cuddling, and the occasional dance sessions in our kitchen? i'd say that if there was only one thing to chose.. well, i'd have to go with the fact that i'm now blessed with a full time partner! someone who can finish my sentences, correct me when i'm wrong, make me laugh when i'm sad, and give me chills when i don't expect it. i love that.  

//What is your biggest pet-peeve?
this is hard for me, you see... i'm one of those people who gets irritated by the littlest things. copy cats, staring, eating with your mouth open, etc. etc. etc. but again, if i had to chose just one it would be: negativity. nothing urkes me more than when people complain about all of the negative things going on in their life - you know? or someone that can't be happy for another, and have the need to constantly drag others down. i wish that instead they would use those situations to strive to improve their own life, use it as motivation... because lets be honest at the end of the day the only thing you're doing is hurting yourself. 

//Any beauty secrets you are dying to tell us?
 remember how i just started a new section for my blog called primp that will be full of any and every beauty secret i have and know? ch-ch-check it out.  

//What is your most embarassing moment? 
so when i was a senior in high school, i made the decision to be in a beauty pageant. well if you know me, you know i'm a tomboy as it is, so me flaunting my stuff up on stage in high heels scared the crap out of me! but i did it anyways, because my mom did, and as a young girl i always promised my parents i would 'follow in her footsteps'. well, the pageant was going fine, i mean i only did it for the experience - winning was the last thing on my mind. so the swimsuit portion happened, and i somehow managed not to fall on my face. the talent portion passed and i only forgot a few steps, (mind you, my sister in law taught me my dancing routine in our living room a week before the pageant and i'd never really danced before to begin with) but it wasn't until the interview section that it got reeeeal good. i had practiced a whole bunch of questions, but i always felt pretty confident in it. so the first question was asked, and i answered immediately and probably talked really fast but felt good about my answer. then came the second question and my mind immediately went blank... "who is the most inspirational person in our society" oooooh crap. i mean i could have easily said oh i don't know - "the president?" considering thats a total "pageant-y" answer. but no, to be honest he didn't even cross my mind. so i stood there -  blank  in front of hundreds of people, for what felt like ten minutes but was only a good 10-15 seconds until i blurted out some random gibberish about how anyone who can be true to themselves can be inspiring and blah blah blah. i was shaking so bad, and just wanted to run off stage and burst into tears, much to my surprise i didn't.. butttt, i still, to this day have nightmares. 
ooooooooh the horror. 

//What is your guilty pleasure?
all things beauty - makeup, hair, clothes, etc. etc. etc. i have a serious problem you guys.

//Where do you see yourself in five years?
the same as now - happy! of course with a few changes but i think the biggest change is obvious.
ever since i can remember, the thing i looked forward to most in life was to have little rugrats running around calling me mom! some people may say that i'm young, while others will be harassing me to have children and while i want to, i think that the savior may have other plans for me right now. i know that in the future i will be able to have kids, and i think and look forward to when that day comes often. i'm anxious to meet our little munch-skins to see if they get mitch's beautiful green eyes, and goofy smile. or if they'll get jipped and end up with some of my genes. all i know is they have me smiling right now and i love them already.


obviously i want to pass this tag along, because i love to read these, and get to know more about some of my favorite bloggers. 

& well, i choose you pikachu.


choose six of these questions to answer, but all eight are up for grabs if you're into this sort of thing - which i really hope you are!

//favorite song off the top of your head, and provide a link if you can!
//who do you look up to most, and why?
//if you could change one thing that has happened to you, what would it be & why?
//what is your favorite memory?
//spillllll - what's your guilty pleasure?
//any beauty secrets that you're currently loving?
//most embarrassing moment
//favorite thing about YOURself - gloat as you may, we love you no matter what!


of course anyone is welcome to do this, and if you do please, please comment below so i can come read them! 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

plowmans perspective

i was looking through my good friend danica's blog and saw that she had this little questionnaire for her sweet husband, and i immediately thought to myself "plowman HAS to do this" so here we are. you guys are finally going to see things from the hubs perspective.

1. Does your wife use your real name or a nickname on her blog?
    This is a funny one, because half the time she uses Mitch but the other half of the time she is calling me Plowman. That is just something that her whole family calls me because Dany has a little brother named mytch, so to make it easier they gave me a nickname. 

2. If you had a blog, what would the title be?
  If i had the time or energy to have a blog, I would aim for it to be something motivational or inspiring that I could look back on if I ever needed to something like BELIEVE because to me that is one of the most powerful words that can mean so much for someone. Because no matter what is going on around us we can always believe and overcome any obstacle. 

3. Do you ever feel ignored by her because of the blog?
    Yes sometimes i feel like she is married to the computer! lately I've just been pretending that we're having a conversation and she is talking back until finally she puts the computer down and tells me to stop talking to my self.

4. How has her blog changed or evolved throughout your relationship?
    At first she just wanted to write things down that had happened in our life. Now she mainly uses it to express herself and she just lets the words flow out, i've never seen anything like it. I tell her at least three times a week she needs to write a book maybe one day after all of her "blogging" she can fix it up real nice like and make a book out of it.

5. What is your favorite post on her blog?
     Is this is a trick question? Obviously all of her post are my favorite... No but really i truly love when she goes into depth about our story, (even though sometimes i sound like the worst human alive) but i really love how she describes things. It takes me back and makes me realize how truly lucky i am to have found her at such a young age. I am very blessed to have her in my life i don't know where i would be with out her.