Monday, August 19, 2013

tip tuesday: eyeshadow first

just a quick tip tuesday for you guys. but first i have to tell you all a little story and what provoked me to have this TT for y'all. sooo earlier today i was in the midst of my makeup routine when all of the sudden i was parched, so i ran downstairs to grab some water and my husband did the most obvious double take that i have EVER seen… so of course i called him out on it with a long dramatic "whaaaaat?" and he said something along the lines of "your makeup looks funny, you're not finished getting ready are you?" and with some sass i responded with a "no… but you have to think i look pretty anyways" and ran back upstairs only to realize that i wasn't finished with my makeup and he was right.. it did look 'funny' and here's why… i used to get SO frustrated whenever i did my makeup because i would start with foundation and finish the face, then move onto eyeshadow which had fallout and i'd end up having to clean up under my eyes with a q-tip ruining whatever progress i had made with the foundation. plus its a waste, who wants to apply foundation, wipe it off, only to reapply? not me. so i started my routine by switching it up. i start with eyeshadow, and then once done, take a q-tip, makeup wipe, what have you and clean up the fallout from under my eyes and then head to foundation and concealer. this way, you're not wiping away any of the work that you've already done plus you can prevent all those dark random fallout smudge marks that you find half way through the day that no one told you, you had. i've also found this to be effective in the longevity of my makeup as well as giving me a more flawless appearance. this isn't a new trick, and its something that i'm sure some of you already do, but i wanted to share the goods with those of you who don't do this, or have never heard of it. it will change your life!

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